Welcome to our Children’s Centre. We hope you find this website useful and that you contact us if you require any further information.
What do we do?
Being a parent is one of the most rewarding and challenging roles in life. We all hope that children can be supported from birth to:
- Feel good about themselves
- Know they are heard and loved
- Develop and learn
We want children to be equipped with the life skills they need to grow up happy, healthy and successful – but sometimes this responsibility can feel quite overwhelming as a parent. We believe that all children and families have a right to access our services and be welcomed as equal partners. At Central Bristol Children’s Centre, we aim to build open and trusting relationships with families and we recognise that everyone comes to our centres with a journey to share, from which we can all learn. We understand that this personal history needs to be voiced and listened to and that this cannot happen without space and time. We recognise that you know your child better than anyone and that you want what is best for your child.
We do not have all the answers, but we can help you to find them by offering support and advice around a variety of issues such as:
- Positive parenting, boundaries and managing behaviour
- Child development
- Support at key times such as the birth of a new baby, settling into pre-school and school
- Your own well-being and self-confidence
- Financial worries and difficulties including debt, benefits, and housing issues
- Suggesting fun activities for families to enjoy at home which will support learning and development
Central Bristol Children’s Centres’ Family Support Team is made up of a group of committed, skilled, approachable, professional and passionate practitioners who can offer targeted, specific 1:1 family support and signposting.
Our services for families include:
- A variety of universal drop-in groups for babies, pre-school children and their families.
- Parenting Support programmes (for example, Nurture programme or Incredible Years)
- Information sessions on child development, early learning, health
- 1:1 Family Support
For more information, see our family support timetable.
As a parent or carer, you can refer yourself to 1:1 support by contacting us at the Children’s Centre by telephone or email, coming along to one of our groups or popping in for a confidential chat. You could also ask your health visitor to refer you to our service. Contact us to arrange a first meeting in a place that you feel comfortable. At this meeting you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and for us to agree how we can best support you.
Michaela – Family and Community Locality Manager