Before we can think about being the best parent/carer we can be, we need to sort out some of the other challenges. Money, somewhere to live, debt, and heating are all essential. We work alongside our Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) worker John who can meet with you and advise on:
- Your benefits entitlements: providing a benefits health check and identifying any benefits to which you may be entitled
- Childcare options: advising what financial assistance may be available for help with childcare costs and how to apply
- Better off in work calculations – illustrating how you might be better off in work by accessing help with childcare costs
- General help and assistance in applying for any benefits to which you may be entitled
- Signposting to the correct organisation for any other help you might need: housing, immigration, debt advice, energy advice
This is a supportive process which often leads to families feeling more secure when all the household challenges are sorted out, there is more space in your head to enjoy being with your family and connecting with your children/child
Clare – Family Support Practitioner