Here at Central Bristol Children’s Centre, we run lots of different groups for our families, some of these have a focus, this means you will be invited to participate in these groups by one of the family support team. These groups focus on specific family’s needs, you may be experiencing domestic abuse, need support around attachment with your child/children/partner. You may need some time out to take care of you. Maybe you are new to the country and need support to settle in and find services. All of these aspects of family life can be a challenge, we will get to know you and, when appropriate, support you to access these focussed services.
It is really important that you get to access the support your family needs, we will work alongside you so please be honest about the challenges you are experiencing, we won’t judge, we will listen, and we will support…. Together we can make a difference to your family.
Jenny – Deputy Family and Community Locality Manager