Our Food Club was set up in January 2020 in partnership with Family Action & Feeding Bristol with food being sourced from the national charity FareShare South West along with other local and national suppliers. The club runs on a weekly basis every Wednesday morning from 9:00am until 11:00am in our Family Hub here at The Children’s Centre. Families can become members by completing a membership form available from the Children’s Centre or their Family Support Worker if they have one. Once someone becomes a member of the Food Club scheme, you will pay £1 for an annual membership, and then you will be offered a variety of food for £3.50 each week. In return, members will receive approximately £10-£15 worth of food per week. Food clubs are currently providing food for up to 300 local families per week across 12 sites in the city.
For further information contact bristolfoodclubs@family-action.org.uk.
Yvonne Young – Family Hub Navigator